I’ve Been Tagged
My eight facts are:
The most interesting event to happen on the day I was born was that Paul McCartney was fined for importing cannabis into Sweden. Sadly not much else of historical note happened that day although my parents might beg to differ (well at least I hope so).
I stopped going to the gym after realising that I had actually gained weight since starting. This may have been due to the fact that I thought that now I was going to the gym I could eat more sweets. I have since discovered that it doesn’t work like that. The gym and the sweets had to go.
I used to be in a band. We weren’t very good. We only played the sort of gigs where the band pays the venue to let them play. Then they paid us not to come back!
I have had a tiny piece of lead embedded in my finger since I was five years old, but no lead poisoning to speak of up till now.
I am right handed but can write almost perfect mirror writing with my left hand.
I can speak a tiny bit of French, but not enough to carry me through a conversation with a real French person (sorry Pepette) (unless they are speaking English of course).
My two favourite shows on at the moment are Ugly Betty and House. What I would be interested to know here from any American readers (Katie) is, is Hugh Laurie’s American accent any good or does it make you cringe every time you hear it?
I cry at most films and have even been known to cry while watching comedies. I have also been known to fall asleep during films and slept through “In Bed With Madonna”, but that doesn’t count because in my humble opinion it was an awful film.
Added Value - Buy 8 get one free extra fact - I am obsessed with the weather. But I think you might already have guessed that.
Now it’s your turn. My nominations are:-
Crystal Jigsaw
Kelly the Domestic Goddess
Kirsty in N’Awlins
I Should Be Working
Nunhead Mum of One
Omega Mum
Valentine Suicide
Have fun and I look forward to reading your interesting facts.