Monday, February 12, 2007

Size Zero Beckons

I was shocked to hear from a friend yesterday that she had seen UK Size 4 (US Size Zero) clothes in an Asda near Glasgow. This is, in my opinion, wholly irresponsible as it can only encourage certain people to slim to these unnatural sizes.
As an aside I am a very healthy Size 12 and was shocked to discover that in some modelling quarters this is termed a "plus size"
I do some voluntary work with teenagers and know the damage that unrealistic expectations of weight and beauty can cause. I have also seen the misery for sufferers, families and friends that comes from anorexia and bullimia.
I also feel quite squeamish when I see pictures of stick thin models and some celebrities in magazines.
Most teenagers I know are quite healthy UK size 8 - 10 (US size 6 - 8 I think. ) Asda may say that they are simply catering for all sizes but my belief is that Size Zero is not a natural size and is a case of the clothes size creating the body size rather than the other way around.
Has anyone elase seen these Size Zero clothes? Any comments would be welcome.


Bright Ambassador said...

I don't know why they stock these clothes either. But I suppose perhaps some people are naturally a 'size zero'.
I know women aren't on this planet purely for my enjoyment, but these stick-thin models are a complete turn off.
Sorry for sounding like a sexist pig, I most definitely am not.

Gwen said...


I don't think you sound at all like a sexist pig. I would like to think that these stick thin people would be a turn off for most people.

Bright Ambassador said...

I saw some of GMTV yesterday, and they had this discussion on about 'size zero' models. The tone of it was that it was wrong. But then, guess what? They showed a skeleton in a bikini called Jenni Falconer walking out of the sea to promote a tropical holiday giveaway. Talk about hypocritical!

Gwen said...

It certainly does sound pretty hypocritical to me and people vulnerable to unrealistic expectations will pay more attention to Jenni Falconer and others like her that they will to a discussion about it.