Thursday, March 15, 2007

Beware the British Weather

The good old British weather changes very rapidly. One minute it's brilliant sunshine and you think "How lovely, summer is on its way, I'll just take off my coat", and then as if by divine intervention with a wicked sense of humour the heavens open, leaving you coatless and soaking.
I considered this this morning when I saw my neighbour's washing being soaked by a nasty grey drizzle. Had she put the washing out the night before thinking "It looks quite dry out there. I'm sure I will get some good drying done overnight"? She may have got some good drying done overnight, but come the morning all the good drying work was undone by the rain.
Today's message is Don't Trust the Weather. The weather controller in the sky is watching you to make sure that it pours at your most inoportune moment. It will happen. There is no escape!
PS If it snows here this year again can I move to Canada? I'd love to live somewhere where they get proper snow and subsequently know how to deal with it unlike here where a couple of centimetres means the shutting down of the whole transport network.


Squirmy Popple said...

I love Scotland, but this weather is doing my head in.

The weather has been bothering me more lately ever since the council/SPT recently rippped up my bus shelter, meaning that on days like today I have to wait for the bus in the rain. It does not put me in a good mood for work.

Gwen said...


I really feel for you. It must be miserable waiting for a bus in the rain - especially when busses are so often late! I hope the council puts in a new bus shelter soon.

I reckon that, coming from Long Island, the weather here must be a huge disappointment.