Thursday, March 08, 2007

Grand Designs

It was the second of the new series of Grand Designs last night. I quite enjoy it although Kevin McCloud (that is not how you spell that surname Kevin by the way) can be a bit condescending. "Oh I really think these people are being very foolish and just won't achieve what they want". Anyway I like the idea of something impressive being created from not very much to start off with. Last nights was a disaster scenario. A couple had lovingly restored a period English Cottage which then caught fire and was almost destroyed not long before Christmas, with the wife pregnant and their house insurance lapsed (you just couldn't make this up could you). How they afforded to re do the house even with a second mortgage I will never know. Kevin kept asking them why they didn't just walk away (he's such an optimistic soul). Anyway despite Kevin they managed to restore it to its former glory.
However my lasting impression of the programme was nothing to do with Kevin or the house. It was their daughter. She was very cute but, unless I heard wrongly, she appeared to be called Beaver. I mean WHAT!!!!! The poor child is going to be teased mercilessly at school with a name like that. What on earth is wrong with normal names. I despair.

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